Not Quite Zen

How To Deal With Holiday Anxiety

Tony Hardman Season 1 Episode 27

Are you experiencing holiday anxiety? It’s not uncommon. According to a survey from BetterHelp, nearly half of Americans worry about their mental health during the holidays. But why is this the case when it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year?

There are a variety of potential triggers for holiday anxiety. You may be stressed about an obligation to spend time with toxic family members. Perhaps you’re worried about finding the right gifts or having enough time to cross everything off your to-do list. Maybe you have social anxiety and the idea of attending parties in unfamiliar places with new people sends your heartbeat racing. Even if you love the holidays, it’s easy to feel anxious when there are so many pressures, expectations, and activities going on. It’s surprising to me that more people don’t experience holiday anxiety.

While anxiety may be common this time of year, it doesn’t have to ruin the season or your life. This episode will help you understand why the holidays give you anxiety and offer tips to deal with holiday anxiety so you can stay sane through New Year’s Eve.

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