Not Quite Zen

How To Add Mental Health Into Your Routine

Season 2 Episode 33

Whether you’re just getting started, or you’re someone who has gotten better, it’s important to create a daily routine for mental health to stay on track. When I started building mental health activities into my day, it was an important aspect of my success in overcoming anxiety and depression.

I started small by practicing mindfulness without meditation, then I added in gratitude exercises, and worked my way up to daily meditation. Over time, these mental health exercises became a habit and an important component of my sustained mental well-being. However, the unfortunate truth is that it’s easy to slip up. You may miss a meditation here and there, stop journaling, skip therapy, and then eventually notice that you’re more irritable, anxious, and depressed.

The good news is that whether you’re just starting, or you need to get back on track, having a daily routine for mental health will go a long way in keeping you happy and healthy. So, if you’re like me and you struggle with mental health, then here are some tips on how to create a daily routine for mental health.

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